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Andre Bøker


The Tortoise Trust Guide to Tortoises and Turtles

Forfatter: A.C. Highfield
Målform: Engelsk
Forlag: Carapace Press
Antall sider: 60
Pris: 186 kr.
ISBN: 9781873943014

The third, fully updated edition of the Tortoise Trust Guide To Tortoises and Turtles is a comprehensive guide to the husbandry and breeding of tortoises and turtles. Unlike many texts, the information here is well researched, accurate, and based upon years of practical experience by acknowledged experts in the field. The advice on choosing animals is comprehensive, and takes into account your local climatic conditions as well as space requirements. The various kinds of housing demanded by differing species is discussed in detail. Feeding is another topic that causes much confusion, and again, this text not only provides practical advice on diets for various species, but explains why these species need to be treated differently.  
You will find reliable advice on feeding chelonia from arid, rainforest and aquatic environments, including how and when to use vitamin and mineral supplements. Also featured is advice on how to hibernate tortoises safely, and details of!  
which species do and do not hibernate. The health care section is especially comprehensive, detailed, and up-to-date. Captive breeding is also covered, with guidelines on incubators and incubation, as well as hatchling care and rearing. All in all, the Tortoise Trust Guide remains one of THE classic texts on this topic and one which has been highly commended by Tortoise and Turtle societies worldwide.

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